- walking-swiftly
- Buy it now!
- lazarus-and-the-hurricane
- Buy it now!
- the-16th-round
- Buy it now!
- hurricane
- Buy it now!
- emmett-abati-doe-age-50
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- emmett-abati-doe-houston-texas
- A very happy “Bland Cadillac” customer, Houston, TX – 1983
- a-winners-prayer
- To win…not just to pray!
- reasons-to-struggle
- Nuff said!
- emmett-abati-doe01
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- emmett-abati-doe-campaign-for-city-alderman
- Atlanta, Georgia Campaign for City Alderman, Slogan: “Chance for a Change”
- emmett-abati-doe-houston-oilier-earl-the-pearl-campbell
- 1978 – “Slave Auction” Fund-Raiser for KTSU 90.1FM Houston Oilier Foot Ball Star, Earl “The Pearl” Campbell
- emmett-abati-doe-governor-and-mrs-bill-clemens
- 1978 Governor and Mrs. “Bill” Clemens wit members of “The Black Rebublican Men’s Club” – Emmett Doe, first on left
- emmett-abati-doe-new-warrior-training-doug-gilmore
- 1992 “New Warrior Training,” Doug Gilmore and “Free Eagle”
- martin-luther-king-jr-curley-and-w-c-handy-jr
- August 1967, Martin L. King, Jr., “Curley” and W. C. Handy, Jr. – Photographer: Emmett Abati Doe
- emmett-abati-doe-age-50
- Emmett Abati Doe – Age 50 in Houston, Texas…and look damn good. 😉
- emmett-abati-doe-and-bill-cosby
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- bill-cosby
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- martin-luther-king-jr-curley-and-w-c-handy-jr
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- congresswoman-yvonne-braithwaite-burk-and-mrs-coretta-scott-king
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- emmett-abati-doe-governor-and-mrs-bill-clemens
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- emmett-abati-doe-campaign-for-city-alderman
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- emmett-abati-doe-houston-oilier-earl-the-pearl-campbell
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- emmett-abati-doe-1985-caricature
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- emmett-abati-doe-and-bill-cosby
- Emmett and Bill Cosby, “Who’s Afraid of the Big-Bad Wolf?” Aug. 1967 NATRA Convention Regency Hyatt House, Atlanta, GA
- emmett-abati-doe-1967-vietnam-combat-medic
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- emmett-abati-doe-patricia-ann-doe
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- emmett-abati-doe-lonetta-thompson
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- emmett-abati-doe-age-3-sister-novella-aunt-mamie
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- emmett-abati-doe-age-3-harlem
- Captaion goes here.